Merriweather - July 7, 2009 The eighth annual cardboard boat
races were held Sunday at the Hoop N Hollar in Merriweather. The
weather was great, sunny skies and temps approaching 80 degrees.
As usual the food was also terrific. The Hoop serves up
Hamburgers, Sandwiches, soup and more. The tavern also features
mixed drinks and beer on tap.
The large crowd that attended the boat races was in the boating
mood. Many of whom came to the Hoop via their boat and rafted by
the dock.
Boat races or no boat races the Hoop N Holler is a great place
to go to enjoy an afternoon, either by boat or by car. The
waterfront atmosphere tends to relax an over-taxed body.
This year there were four race classes 1) 12 and
under 2) 13 - 18 years of age 3)
19-39 years of age 4) 40 and over.
Each class sailed a different race course. Because of their
ages class 1 and class 4 had very simple straight courses to
follow. However the other two classes had much more complicated
courses to navigate. Neither nor a computer could help. Not
that you would find one on a boat made of cardboard. Which brings
a question to mind. Are these crafts made of cardboard, upon which
rolls and rolls of duct tape have be applied, or are the truly
duct tape boats with some cardboard to cling to? That is a
trade secret just as the design secret of the "S.S. Root
Cellar" the craft that won three of Sunday's four races. |