
2009 Strawberry Fest
"Strawberries Never Tasted This Good"

Chassell MI  July 12, 2008

As it was last year Saturday  was a beautiful sunny day. A perfect day for a Parade and an equally fine day for a Strawberry  Festival. They all came together Saturday  when the sun shown down in Chassell  and the Strawberry Festival and parade took place.  Thousands of residents and visitors lined the street to watch what may very well be the largest and longest parade in the Western U.P. The parade had it all, bands, floats, military, firemen and fire trucks, kids, animals, clowns jugglers, acrobats, beauty contestants , antique and classic cars. There were lots of bands. Chassel, Lake Linden and Dollar Bay High Schools were all well represented. It should be noted that Dollar Bay H.S. had just 29 young musicians marching Saturday and yet, they sounded as if they were a band triple that size. Paula Makay, the music director should be applauded for the great job she and the kids did Saturday. They should serve as an inspiration for other smaller bands.

The fun didn't end with the parade, food, entertainment and a craft fair all  took place on the waterfront at Centennial  Park, where there vendors, games food and some very delicious strawberry shortcake served up by the Lions Club.

Chassell Strawberry Festival Parade Winners

1st: Superior National Bank

2nd: Econo Foods


1st: Chassell Post 6507 VFW - Praying Soldier Shadow

2nd: Keweenaw Detachment 1016 Marine Corps League


1st: Surfin’ USA (Grandma’s Antiques)

2nd: South Range VFW and Auxiliary


1st: Michael and Brian Lancour

2nd: BHK Berries


1st: Jerry and Pat Primeau — 1941 Ford Ambulance

2nd (tie): Jim Janda — Sopwith Camel

2nd (tie): Ken and Marianne Manninen — 1931 Ford Model A


1st: Joy Kinnunen and “Candle”

2nd: Susan Kowalski and “Shadow”


1st: Lake Linden-Hubbell High School Band

2nd: BATUCOBRE — Copper Drum Jam

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