Salmon with Hollandaise Sauce

Holland - Zalm met Hollandse Saus


Fish Stock
1 1/2 pound fish heads and bones
slice of lemon
3 parsley sprigs
1 carrot, sliced
thyme, crumbled
bay leaf
1/2 cup white wine
4 salmon steaks

Hollandaise Sauce:
3 tablespoons water
3 tablespoons vinegar
12 crushed peppercorns
1 shallot, chopped
3 egg yolks, at room temperature
1/2 pound butter




First make a fish stock by gently simmering the heads, bones, and herbs in the white wine and 2 cups water for half an hour. Strain the stock and if necessary reduce the liquid until there is a sufficient amount to cover the salmon steaks.
Season the salmon with salt; do not remove the skin, since the color combination is attractive. Bring the stock to a boil, lower the heat to simmering point, and carefully lower the salmon into the liquid. Bring this up to just under the boiling point again, and poach the salmon until done; this will take about 10 minutes. Carefully remove the fish from the liquid with the aid of a slotted spoon and keep warm. (The attractive pink color may be improved by holding the salmon in the open air for a moment immediately after taking it from the stock.)

Hollandaise Sauce: Gently reduce water, vinegar, peppercorns, and chopped shallot to half the quantity.
Melt the butter, skim, and let it stand until  lukewarm. Beat the egg yolks, which must be fresh and at room temperature. Beating thoroughly, add the slightly cooled, reduced liquid to the egg yolks, place the bowl over the steam of boiling water, and beat and stir until the mixture thickens. Then very carefully add the butter in a thin stream.

Hollandaise Sauce is difficult to make and requires both experience and judgment.
The secret lies in the exact temperature if this is too high, the mixture will separate; if too low, the sauce will not "take." Hollandaise sauce should be lukewarm throughout its preparation and should be served lukewarm with hot fish.



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