A Soldier's Heart

Hancock - January 11, 2010

There was an opening reception and artist's talk last Thursday evening for Marquette artist and poet Steven Wahlstrom.

Wahlstrom is a U.S. Marine Veteran, who served his country in Viet Nam. Wahlstrom and other veterans still live with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. After running out of words he has turned to art  as a means of dealing with his PTSD.

His Art exhibit at the Community Art Center includes his portrait series  "Heroes" that serves to honor his comrades.

He found through creative expression a gratifying path to healing for himself, and by exhibiting his work a way for others to heal as well. While Wahlstrom has found a path to dealing with PTSD, thousands of other veterans are still struggling with the disorder

Certainly Veterans of any military unit will relate all-to-well with Wahlstrom's experiences.

This exhibit while dealing with Wahlstrom's patriotic service to country during the Viet Nam War, is timely and apropos for today's unsettling times. The exhibit focuses our attention on the effects of war on the young people who give so much for their nation. Another wake up call.

The Exhibit has been described as deeply emotional and that is an understatement. Last Thursday's visitors to the exhibit opening were brought to tears listening to the artist speak and viewing his art work.

You can visit the exhibit at the Copper Country Community Arts Center located at:

126 Quincy Street    Hancock, MI  

The Art Center is open Tuesday through Thursday 10:00am-6:00pm,
Friday 10:00am-8:00pm  and   Saturday 1:00pm-5:00pm

 (906) 482-2333 ccarts@chartermi.net

