From Ironwood,

It's Monday Night Live!

Ironwood - January 13, 2010

The Ironwood City Commission held one more workshop last week. The workshop was convened for the purpose of bringing the city government out of the dark ages and into the digital age.

Unfortunately, the only “Media” present at the meeting was IronwoodInfo. No other media services showed up to hear the city’s plan which would serve to negate their news services.

A considerable portion of the meeting was to review software packages that would in fact, streamline, store, and catalog city documents. There were several packages disclosed to the commissioners by Karen Gullan, City Clerk. Karan gathered a great amount of information for the group to review digest and formulate into a workable and affordable plan. The price range for these products run from affordable all the way to ridiculous. Regrettably, you don’t always get what your paying for with some software packages which creates the need for serious investigation.

On the bright side Karen is favoring a package that is on the low side of the price spectrum and it appears to a great deal of functions that the City Clerk is seeking.

Now Mayor Bob and Mayor Gemma, would also like to stream the commission meetings live into every home that has an internet connection. It seems Mayor Bobby doesn’t like the image of himself that is being related in the media. Of course if the city gang does manage to stream the meetings live that would make reporting on the meetings unnecessary. That could be a very good thing. We could sit at home and not be challenged by freezing temperatures or snow filled city streets. Then we could either spend our time writing more important events or some reporters could write anonymous letters to the editor. Wow, what a thought!

As for us, we revel in the idea of an open, transparent government. That certainly would be unique for the city of Ironwood. If by chance the commissioners continue to ignore the needs of the taxpayers, and continue to use their position for self serving purposes then the whole community would witness it making a recall even easier.

I say go for it, I have always wondered what it would be like to sit at home and write phony letters to the editor!