Photos and story by Robert Severin 
We drove to Wabasha MN last Thursday to visit the National Eagle Center and
then to hunt for Eagles to photograph. The weather was fantastic and we
enjoyed our stay. We drove back to Ironwood on Saturday. We will be going
back during the winter when the weather is colder and when the Eagles are
more plentiful along the Mississippi.
We did expand our knowledge of the
great bird listening to Bridgette give her lecture to us visitors and in
talking with the volunteer workers. The resident Eagles at the NEC are
injured Eagles that cannot fly or have other injuries that prevent them from
hunting for food.
There are several wildlife refuges along the Mississippi that have other 
waterfowl and birds also. Attached are a few photos taken at the NEC and 
of a few Eagles that we saw near Wabasha and on our way home.
The Eagle sitting in the tree was eating a fish. The tail can be seen in the
photo near his feet. He was basking in the rising sun resting after eating
above - Angel on Her Perch
above - A Golden Eagle
above a Canadian Goose
above - Eagle soars across the Mississippi