Santa Arrives In Ontonagon

  Ontonagon - December 9, 2009

Santa arrived in Ontonagon Sunday evening just in time for the Annual Christmas Parade. His first appearance this year came a top of an Ontonagon Fire Truck.  Imagine that! After the parade, Santa greeted a countless number of small fry who had gathered at the Fire Hall for the occasion.  While the lines were long, very long, but the kiddies were not dismayed. After all, what was a few minutes more after waiting a whole year to see the magical Santa.


Santa didn't bring along any elves but, Ontonagon did provide a couple of great helpers for this visit.

The parade was very well attended and the participation was excellent. Fifteen floats were entered in this years pageantry. Including a fantastic float carrying the Ice Queen, and surrounded by a host of Ice Princesses. What more could one need to get into the holiday spirit, Santa, Ice Queen and Princesses and many, many excited children.  So who needs roasted chestnuts anyway!(?)

above  -  students carry facsimile of ten thousand dollar check that they recently won in a national contest.

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