Time is running out,
tell Congress not to raise taxes on
volunteer firefighters and EMTs!
At the end of 2010, an exemption
from income taxation on incentives
that many local communities provide
to volunteer firefighters and EMTs
as a reward for their service
expired. As a result, tens of
thousands of volunteer emergency
responders across the country will
have to pay higher taxes this year
without Congressional action.
Contact your U.S. Representative and
Senators now and tell them to
co-sponsor the Volunteer Responder
Incentive Protection Reauthorization
Act (S. 933/H.R. 2353), which would
extend and expand a federal income
tax exemption on all property tax
benefits and up to $600 per calendar
year of any other type of benefit
that volunteers receive as a reward
for their service.
If your Senator or Representative is
already a co-sponsor of the
Volunteer Responder Incentive
Protection Reauthorization Act,
contact them to let them know that
you appreciate your support. The
sponsor of S. 933 is Charles Schumer
(D-NY) and the current co-sponsors
are Susan Collins (R-ME), Amy
Klobuchar (D-MN), Joe Lieberman
(I-CT) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME). The
sponsor of H.R. 2353 is John Larson
(D-CT) and the current co-sponsors
are Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Tim Holden
(D-PA), Tom Latham (R-IA), Michael
Michaud (D-ME), Dave Reichert
(R-WA), Laura Richardson (D-CA) and
Betty Sutton (D-OH).
Ken Jacobson
Letters to the
Last week, the House
Armed Services Committee tucked a dangerous
provision into the huge Defense authorization bill.
With it, Congress took one more step towards passing
a law for endless worldwide war. This new law would
use American military forces against terrorism
suspects everywhere and anywhere. It was added to
the bill by Rep. Buck McKeon (R-Calif.).
It could become the single biggest ceding of
unchecked war authority to the executive branch in
modern American history.
Outrageously, there have been no hearings on this
worldwide war legislation, nor has the necessity for
this legislation been explained by Rep. Buck McKeon
or anyone else in Congress.
This proposed "Authorized Use of Military Force"
has no geographic boundaries, which means a
president could take America to war in any country
in the world (including places like Somalia, Yemen,
Iran, or even Indonesia) where a suspected terrorist
resides and could set us on a course for decades of
This dangerous proposal has no limitation on a
president using these new war powers, even within
our own country or against American citizens.
No president should have unilateral and unchecked
authority to initiate military action and exercise
other war powers. This can have enormous
implications and be the quintessential "slippery
Yes the government must keep us safe but it must
do so in a way that is consistent with the rule of
law and our nation's values.
This authorization of a new global armed conflict is
unnecessary and will undermine our values and may
well change us as a nation.
The full House of Representatives will vote on the
issue next week and it's important that
Representative Dan Benishek vote "no" on this new
authorization for the use of military force.
Please contact his district office at (906) 828-1581
and tell him that as your representative in Congress
you want him to vote against this dangerous
Ken Jacobson, Ironwood
May 15-21,2011 is
National Emergency Medical Services Week-Honoring
those living among us who day an night provide
life-saving services. These men and women with
titles of EMT or Paramedic man our local ambulance
services or are first responders. They have extreme
courage and understanding-and put in unexpected
hours in some times extreme conditions. When our
call for help is made they respond in a professional
way and are some of the most caring people you will
meet So,t his week say thanks to these fellow
citizens that live among us and truely are hero's.
John Cain-Ironwood
Guest Editorial
Once again,
winter brings Parking Problems. Parking
truly is not a difficult task, and yet it
seems that many at Gogebic Community College
seem to lack this particular ability.
Anyone can go outside and look at a row of
vehicles and find at least one vehicle
parked in two parking spots.
Those lines do serve a purpose and it is not
to see how many of them you can park across
at one time.
They require you to be parallel to the lines
to be parked correctly and not intersecting
with them.
It is understandable "that there will be
some difficulty parking during the winter
because you have to contend with huge snow
plows dotted across the parking lot but you
can still take the time to park in as best
of a manner as possible.
However, there is no reason to have
three-fourths of a parking space between you
and the car next to you. It makes it
impossible for more cars to fit in each row.
We all know that with the increased number
of students at GCC that parking is very
limited and that no one likes to park all
the way down by the Civic Center in the
middle of winter.
If everyone took a little more time and
effort in parking we could have more
students and faculty
able to park in the closer parking lots and
maybe just a few more smiles in the morning.
Guest Editorial...
that has ever driven a car will understand the Guest
Editorial from the Gogebic Community College Chieftain
Newspaper. The editorial is a collaboration of the
Chieftain Staff Members.
Letter to the Editor
What I hear one city employee from
public works has filed for retirement and
one has been told he will transfer to either
water or sewer department- he held the
position of dispatcher and office person at
the city garage-this position should of been
eliminated some time ago seeing public works
is now at 4 men.
In regards to hiring the city will need to
replace public works has they just don't
have enough to plow or remove snow come
winter. If the budget allows there is an
option for the city to consider and it's in
the contract which would allow the hiring of
what's called 89 dayers- these individuals
would be hired for a period of 89 days and
on the 90th they would laid off and would
only receive an hourly wage and the usual
deductions-no benefits. At the end of 90
days they could be called back for an
additional 89 days.
When I was on the commission when Erickson
was hired I wanted the city to use this in
hiring replacement in public works has to
see if an individual works out to be
considered for a full-time position that the
union approved to as long as we did hire
within a year.
The cost savings would have been great and
we also got a good look at someone and in
the summer it gave us the coverage when many
were on vacation. Of course I couldn't get
administration or the commission to support
to move.
They also need to consider all unneeded
expenses or they are in a world of hurt. As
far has the water and sewer increase -
you'll continue to see these as long as
these projects to improve these systems
continue-one needs to only look at
Wakefield, which has done so-when required
by the State.
The city also didn't talk of the $360,000.00
more or less owed those about eight union
employees when they retire one will take
this money when he's done in May. They sure
have some figuring to do and I wish them
well -they got a lot to consider.
John Cain, Ironwood
Letter To The Editor
Our City like so many in Michigan will see a shortfall of state revenue sharing this coming budget year. From what I foresee this could be in the area of some $300.000 on the short end to a possibility of $800.000 on the high end. Regardless, the city's administration and commission have some tough management decisions to consider.
The main course is where to you cut to save and provide the services that this community's people deserve.
With the state and our governor stating they would give additional revenue sharing funds if a local government shows where it's cooperating in cost sharing services and working with other local governmental units-makes things even more interesting here.
Number one, Ironwood must take the lead in working with other local units in cost sharing services and could have done this many times. Our former Governor spoke of this time and time again and now it's here to roost.
Some other options out there to consider:
Combine our City Clerk and Treasurer positions, drop our Community Development Director and form a County Director, with the cost shared with the county and other units of government. Drop the Public Safety Dept. and go to just a Police Dept. and a Full-Volunteer Fire Department, or contract with the Sheriff’s Department for Police and Volunteer Fire; drop the Director of Water and Sewage and hire a hourly clerk part-time and lastly go to a cost-shared County Public Works Department. That would still require a water and sewer department consisting of a work crew of 5 men and a pump-station crew of 1 full-time and a part-time employee.
Not-knowing where our loss revenue will fall the City also has a problem of assuring a fund reserve to fall on if needed.
Some tough decisions to be made in short order.
Wish the best to our elected reps and city administration.
John Cain, Ironwood
Was She Thinking!
IRONWOOD - March2, 2011
Just 23 minutes after saying a prayer to open
the Monday's meeting, Commissioner Gema Lamb
told the City Commission why she thought that
the Ironwood Riverside Cemetery should be opened
in its entirety to dogs.
She actually said that the rate of vandalism
soared after dog walking was prohibited in the
Yup, her theory is that people walking dogs in
the cemetery were a deterrent to crime. The
reality is that the vandalism in the cemetery
occurred at times when most normal people would
sleeping, not walking their dog.
If Gema’s thoughtless remarks had any
validity the ordinance would have been repealed
right then and there, not now when it suits the
convenience of the Burchell gang.
Lamb blamed the situation on a family residing
on Francis Street. Why is it no surprise that
the commissioner would blame someone from
Francis Street. HMMMM!
Now the thinking for the Burcillites is that
it’s ok that dogs be allowed in the cemetery if
the dogs are on a leash and that owners pick up
after their dogs. Everyone knows that is not
going to happen and that is why the current
restriction was enacted in the first place. In
fact, one member of the Parks and Wreck
Committee states that he saw another member of
the same infamous committee on a trail with his
dogs and failed to pick up after his dogs.
Burchell has made many poor decisions,
especially with appointments to city committees.
The problem is compounded in that decent people
quit those committees rather than deal with the
imperious Burchell appointees.
"In Our Opinion"
An IronwoodInfo Editorial
Was She Thinking!
An IronwoodInfo Editorial
- "In Our Opinion"
IRONWOOD - March2, 2011
Just 23 minutes after saying a prayer to open
the Monday's meeting,
Commissioner Gema Lamb told the City Commission
why she thought that the Ironwood Riverside
Cemetery should be opened in its entirety to
She actually said that the rate of vandalism
soared after dog walking was prohibited in the
Yup, her theory is that people walking dogs in
the cemetery were a deterrent to crime. The
reality is that the vandalism in the cemetery
occurred at times when most normal people would
sleeping, not walking their dog.
If Gema’s thoughtless remarks had any
validity the ordinance would have been repealed
right then and there, not now when it suits the
convenience of the Burchell gang.
Lamb blamed the situation on a family residing
on Francis Street. Why is it no surprise that
the commissioner would blame someone from
Francis Street. HMMMM!
Now the thinking for the Burcillites is that
it’s ok that dogs be allowed in the cemetery if
the dogs are on a leash and that owners pick up
after their dogs. Everyone knows that is not
going to happen and that is why the current
restriction was enacted in the first place. In
fact, one member of the Parks and Wreck
Committee states that he saw another member of
the same infamous committee on a trail with his
dogs and failed to pick up after his dogs.
Burchell has made many poor decisions,
especially with appointments to city committees.
The problem is compounded in that decent people
quit those committees rather than deal with the
imperious Burchell appointees.
In Our Opinion
An IronwoodInfo Editorial
IRONWOOD - While Ironwood homes and garages turn red
from road dust Councilman Lamb continues to complain
about dust of the ATV trails. Lamb an elected
caretaker of the City obviously has either no idea
about the dusty roads or she just doesn’t give a
damn about them.
Hi Lou: Please print in your editorial section. Thanks.
First, printing of unsigned editorial comments destroys the
credibility of this web site and anything that person may have
to say.
Second, the vitrolic attacks on individuals, particulary
those who give of their time and effort as community officials,
deligitimizes the comments made by the perpetrators and destroys
any meaningful dialogue regarding important community issues.
Third, to marginalize people who have recently moved here,
who are active in trying to improve our commnunities. is bigoted
and such comments our out of place on this web site or anywhere.
Fourth, those who believe that 4-wheeling and snowmobiling
are the economic wave of the future are chasing an illusion.
Here's why! Sales of snowmobiles are down more than 33% since
the peak years of 1997-98. At least a half-dozen motels from
here to the tip of the Keweenaw have gone out of business
because they depended upon snowmobilers. The recent events such
as Sledfest and Motocross attracted a handful of outside
visitors and a few locals. A lot of money was spent promoting
the events with very little economic return to the area.
Outsiders rarely, if ever use the caves; they're more interested
in destinations such as the Porcupine Mts. the many area trails,
and the Keweenaw. Snowmobiling will always be here as long as we
have snow. The past several years clearly demonstrate that if
everyone else has snow no amount of money spent will bring them
here. Every community has access to these trails and will
4-wheeling by youngsters in the caves---many of whom are less
than 16 years of age and unaccompaned by adult
supervision----contributes absolutey nothing to enriching the
economic base of the community. They are simply recycling local
money at local businesses, no different than what everyone else
in the area does. This area attracts only a handful of outside
4-wheeler dollars. The impact on the economy is insignificant.
In 10+ years one can count on two hands the number of outside
4-wheelers to Copper Peak, undoubedly the biggest attraction
this area has to offer. To give carte blanche use of the caves
to 4-wheelers is a gross misuse of area resourses. Every
community has 4-wheeler trails; what makes ours better than
TRAVEL. Anything this area can do to enhance and promote our
history and heritage will make the area infinitely more
attractive to outsiders. If this area wants to attract outside
dollars to the area, then making our unique mining history more
redily accessible and available, by such activities as
development of the MMHP in Ironwood, the Colby Hill mining site
in Bessemer, etc. If this area wants to attract young families,
then development of non-motorized hike and bike trails will go
along way towards making our communities more attractive. Young
families simple cannot afford the expenses of the motorized
In this area, we will see growth of the non-motorized winter
sports of cross-county skiing, snow-shoeing, etc. Look for
continued growth of the SISU cross-county ski races. Similarily,
non-motorized hiking and bike trails with continue to grow in
popularity. Does this area want to invest in an infrastruture
which has a resonable chance of success or continue to promote
activities which are not bringing outside dollars? Community
leaders must decide.
Charlie Supercynski
Thanks Charlie for the insight. But does being Vitrolic mean
a longer or shorter lifetime? (just kidding)
But, thanks
for not using the "N" word "Negative". I never
heard any one word over used nor over abused than it is is here
in Ironwood. After moving here, I began to wonder if a native
Ironwoodie had residuals on that word and received
royalties every time it was printed or worse yet, when used by
some dumb ass at a meeting when they were stuck for a legitimate
answer while trying to defend their defenseless position.
Most of the time when I read or I hear the "N" word it
is being used as an offensive weapon against someone trying to
exercise their right to free speech, or worse yet against
someone trying to think for themselves.
Personally, everyday I give thanks for having parents that
encouraged me to think for myself. Unfortunately, in Ironwood no
one is allowed to render opinions, especially when they have
thought things out and may actually have a better idea.
The only thing I hear that ticks me off more than the "N"
word, is the cowardly cliché' "that we fail to see the big
picture". That garbage is most often used by those who walk and
talk (mostly talk) with blinders on.
Thanks again for your opinion, and thanks for not using the
trite expression "Negative", personally I like "venomous
diatribes" a lot better. Now there's a word that deserves
Lou B
Increase In Vandalism No Surprise
Recent incidents of vandalism in Ironwood, Ironwood Township and
Bessemer have resulted in demands for more police protection.
Concerned citizens are demanding more police coverage including
the use of expensive surveillance equipment.
Why would anyone be surprised at the increase in vandalism in
our area.
While some are quick to point a finger at the youth of Ironwood,
Ironwood township and Bessemer, it should be obvious that kids
are just mimicking their adult counterparts.
City Commissioners in Ironwood are perhaps the worst role models
our children could have.
City commissioner Rick Semo openly and publicly confessed to
being a vandal. He violated the City’s Laws when he took it upon
himself to illegally cut down trees in the Caves area of
Ironwood. City Commission Lamb and Mayor Burchell have also
violated the laws of the city and the state, in addition to
alleged ethics violations. Nothing has been done about those
individuals responsible, nothing at all!
How would a child understand that there are two sets of rules
for Gogebic society? One set of rules for the Burchells, Semos
and Lambs, and completely different rules for everyone else.
Why wouldn’t anyone of any age feel free to go to the caves and
cut their own firewood for the winter season?
Burchell and Lamb want college graduates only on their
committees and boards, and yet they turn a deaf ear to an appointees
character when appointing one of their own to a city position.
The school district blames underprivileged students for its poor
test scores.
It’s no wonder our youth leaves the area as soon as they are old
enough to do so.
If Mr. Semo wants to support “Character Building” in our
schools, then he and his colleagues should be the first to take
the course.
S. Anderson
Letters to The Editor
Thank you to Chief Mike Yon and the Wakefield VFD for providing the
white gloves, at the last minute, for the ENTIRE joint fire
department honor guard at the airport flag ceremony.
That's yet another great example of "mutual aid" and cooperation
between neighboring departments that the fire service is famous for.
(Departments represented were, Bessemer City VFD, Bessemer
Township VFD, Ironwood City VFD, Montreal VFD and Wakefield VFD.)
Ken Jacobson, Chief
Ironwood VFD
I know times are difficult right now
To whom it may concern,
I have recently been informed that the city of Ironwood is
looking at closing the Caves
to ATV's and possibly Snowmobiles. This is of great concern to
me as I purchased my
property on South Range road with the understanding that I could
safely access the
main trails via these local trails. I spoke to people at the
City halt Police department,
and Chamber and was told to insure I didn't infringe on other
people's property, show
respect to walkers & bikers, and stay clear of vehicles moving
in and out of the Caves. I
have many friends here in Ironwood and I can tell you that we
all show common sense
no matter if we are on the main trails or the local back trails.
I fear the city is taking a
few bad apples and trying to punish all ATV and snowmobile
I bring well over 150 people every year to Ironwood to enjoy the
snowmobiling and ATV
trails. Most of these people stay in local hotels in the winter
but stay at my home in the
summer. Many people come with me as we enjoy a very easy means
of getting to the
trails. If the city stops this, then there are no real reasons
for traveling this far north
when trails can be accessed easier in Mercer. I urge all of my
guest to spend their
money here. I insist they purchase groceries and supplies here
to insure that Ironwood
stays afloat. I do the same. I choose local businesses, local
construction of my recently
built garage, and supplies from Ironwood. I do this because I
believe one should pay
where they play. I do this because I always thought that the
city supported ATV,
Snowmobile, Skiing, and all other sports that frequent the area.
I can assure you that
closing our access to the main trails will result in lost tax
revenue for the city.
I hope you reconsider closing the caves to ATVs and snowmobiles.
I really would like to
see the walkers, bikers, cross-country skiers, and anyone else
is able to share trails. I
love riding through the caves and letting my kids sit with me
and watch the occasional
Eagle soar on top of us. Please understand that being both ATV
and Snowmobile riders,
my family also enjoys cross country skiing and snow shoeing. I
have no fears of sharing
the area with others. I hope those who don't ride ATV's or
snowmobiles can find a
sense of sharing as well. We all need to be respectful and
open-minded of each other
and the recreational sports we enjoy.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might
Best Regards,
John Ramsey
Ironwood, MI
Religious freedom is one of our most fundamental liberties,
and a founding principle of our nation. Our laws protect the
right to build a house of worship whether it's a mosque, a
church, or a synagogue. Preventing Muslims or any other
group from practicing their faith is unconstitutional and
un-American. Especially in times of controversy, we must
oppose religious discrimination based on cultural
stereotyping—and resist those who seek to trade away our
most precious values for political advantage. Throughout our
nation's history, Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Muslims and
others have all been victims of fear and discrimination. To
see that tolerance and justice prevail, it is our sacred
duty to speak out for what we know is right. Political
leaders like Mayor Michael Bloomberg should be praised for
standing up for religious freedom in the face of political
Ken Jacobson
Your Pennies
Using the savings account calculator here: http://www.savingsaccountcalculator.net/
Apparently the City of Ironwood is earning a mere .1%
interest on their $500,000 perpetual care fund. (Note: That’s
.1% , not 1%.)
I think you’re exactly correct. Watch your pennies and the
dollars will take care of themselves.
Now, I’m not investment banker, so I didn’t read the fine
print. But, a simple and quick check of Ally Bank’s website
shows they are paying 1.29% in their savings accounts. Correct
me if I’m wrong, but that would give the taxpayers of the City
of Ironwood a $6,450 annual return on their investment.
If the perpetual care fund has been at it’s $500,000 limit
for any significant amount of time……well, the interest that
COULD have been earned is substantial. I wonder if anyone would
have an idea of what could the City of Ironwood could have done
with the additional $5,950 per year in interest income.
As you said, watch the pennies, and the dollars will take
care of themselves.
Glen Pavlovich
Glen, that of course assumes that the $500,000 is there in
the first place!
It appears that City Commissioner Lucius attempt
to look at developing a County Community Developement Director
which would be all communities in Gogebic County cost-sharing
this postion will go no further then it did. City-manager Scott
Erickson shot it down giving the hours of work just in ironwood
would prohibit it. However;we've been without one for almost a
year-yet items are being handled,which makes me wonder. In short
order unless Ironwood takes the lead in working together on
common concerns that all Gogebic County Communities could work
together thru dialogue and understanding perspectives that exist
on a paticular issue and helping citizens identify thru spefic
actions we can achieve a common goal which helps us all.
Sincerely, John Cain
Dear IronwoodInfo,
Is Deaf Services part of Grandview Health System or Aspirius?
Dear Interested I suggest that you go to the person most
likely to know the answer to that one.
If the City can’t afford a match for a grant
without robbing the deceased taxpayers of Ironwood,
how can they afford to payback the loan? It will be
interesting to see what grant they use the stolen
funds for.
Janet W.
No Surprise!
Why would anyone be surprised hat the City Manager
would want to steal Perpetual Care a fund? The care
at the Cemetery has gone to hell ever since Erickson
came on the scene.
Grass Needs Mowing
Jessie James Gang
The Ironwood Commissioners find it
easy to steal from the dead; they have been stealing from the
living for decades
Tom Rydell
Sick of Millage Village
How is it that the city has to eliminate needed
workers and has over $250,000 per year to throw away
on the City Manager and the City Attorney?
Over Taxed and Under Served
Naughty Booby
If the City Commissioners can steal from the dead without a
guilty conscious, it’s little wonder they that they can steal
from the living so easily.
No Need To Rob
If Ironwood needs to borrow money to
survive why doesn’t it borrow from Scott Erickson
and The City Attorney? That is where all of the
city’s money is going these days.
Me, Myself and I
Sin City
I find it interesting that the Ironwood City Commissioners
begin their meeting with a prayer, then go on to rob graves and
ATV trails.
"God is Watching!"
Why All The Fuss?
Why all the fuss over a letter sent to Chronicle owner
Steve Frank. It doesn't sound like a hate letter to me, nor
to anyone else for that matter.
How can a reasonably factual document be considered hate
There were however two mistakes in the letter. First, the
writer didn't read the information about Frank in the
meeting minutes.
The information was published the very next day following
the Park Ur' Rec Meeting on July 8th. The information
appeared in Frank's very own publication. The writer of the
letter was confused as the Chronicle's account of the
meeting intentionally resembled meeting minutes. Dry and
The second mistake was that the writer referred to Frank as
an adult. Hardly likely considering Frank's response to the
Norrie Taxpayer
Not So Grand?
Ironwood Info;
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE start covering the crooked events happening
at the hospital. Your website often talks about people in our
area who avoid the press - well THE GRANDVIEW HOSPITAL IS ONE OF
THEM!!!! They are probably the worst offenders! Grandview·often
says that it does not have to nave a public meeting that is open
to reporters. But they still report to county committees. So if
they report to county committees like the finance committee why
do they not have open sessions? People are leaving Grandview
left and right. Employees, patients, doctors. People are fired.
People are scared to talk. Employees are fearful of their jobs.
We are in need of your help! Isn't it sad when we have to mail
you a anonymous letter asking for your help?
Letter To The Editor
20 Questions
The E-mail from
County Prosecutor Richard Adams to the Daily Globe, left more
questions than it did answers about Deaf Services of America.
He claims that it was legitimate, and yet the State Attorney
stated that did not have a permit to solicit donations.
If there are kids running around town looking for money for Mr.
Albert's charity, why isn't there a permit?
Why would there be poor record keeping, doesn't Mr. Albert have
an Accountant in the immediate family?
When Mr. Adams compares the BP oil spill with Deaf Services of
America, is he telling us that the BP oil spill isn't worth
Lucky for the people of the Gulf Coast that they don't have to
depend on the indifference of the Gogebic county Prosecutor.
Sick of Cover Ups
Expose the Critters!
Has anyone noticed
that the supporters of the Miners Park are mostly
non-city residents? The vast majority of the members
live outside the city and will not be paying any
taxes to for their “beloved project”. Someone should
publish the membership list.
Of those supports living within the city limits,
hardly any of them lived here 10 years ago. Their
concern for the Ironwood miners is only overshadowed
by their desire to take over the Caves area.
Otherwise they would stop talking and buy a brick
for the downtown Miner’s Mural Project.
Just another south-of-the-bridge scheme to separate
the over taxed Ironwood Citizen from their minimum
Globe Story "Local Charity Solicitation"
"Who's Who?"
Is Steve Frank a Partner of Jim Albert in Deaf Services of
A. Trailblazer
Reply: We don't know. Since an application to solicit
is not on file, we would not be able to review any of the
Charities Information.
"Interest Watch"
River Valley
Bank still advertises on the Albert website. Are they holding
all the DSA loot?
Seeking New Bank
Deaf Services Reporting
Why hasn’t IronwoodInfo done an investigation into the Globe
story about Jim Albert’s charity solicitation?
You're being
remiss Just Curious
The Globe has looked into this matter and has done a thorough
job. We have been verifying the information published by the
1. The Michigan Attorney General’s Office has written to us
stating that the Charity is “Not Licensed” to solicit money.
They stated Deaf Services of America in Ironwood, Michigan was
licensed to solicit donations but has been expired since July
31, 2000. The last reporting period was December 31, 1998.
Therefore, there is no current application.”
2. Someone has been handing out solicitation flyers to local
business. We have one.
3. The Flyer does say that DSA sends over a thousand kids to
camp each year.
4. The flyer does say that their “certified DSA interpreters do
courtroom interpreting." We do know that Albert is not
considered a "Certified Interpreter” by the County District
Court and his services are no longer used in that court. There
are several courts in the area, so perhaps he is an acceptable
interpreter in those. Or not. We don’t know.
5. We asked Ironwood Public Safety Director, Robert Erspamer
about the Globe Report. He stated that “the report was accurate”
We do not know if the Local Prosecutor, Richard Adams will
reopen this case in view of the recent solicitations in the
area. This story really goes beyond news considerations. The
matter could be easily clarified by Albert, the Attorney
General, the Michigan Treasury Department or the IRS.
There seems to be some interest in the matter by the State
Attorney General's Office.
Pleased With School Board
With children in the Bessemer
Schools I was pleased to read the story of the Bessemer
School budget. I notice the stark difference between the
status of Ironwood and Bessemer Schools financial status. As
a somewhat casual observer, I am led to conclude that one
district appears to have its financial ducks in a row and
one appears to struggle with student retention and financial
When voters were asked to consider school consolidation,
residents of Bessemer rejected the idea. We were often said
to be too "attached" to the Speedboys / Speedgirls to
I might offer the current budgets and Bessemer’s INCREASE
in the student population as evidence that our educators are
"doing something right" and the school board's fiscal
responsibility have more to do with rejecting consolidation
than a misguided allegiance to a mascot.
To my knowledge, Bessemer residents have not turned down
any school funding proposal in recent history. We pride
ourselves in our schools. Additionally, the custodians and
support staff appear to work very hard at maintaining the
building, and programs that allow our students to learn in
clean, properly maintained facilities that allow students to
focus on learning.
I'm reminded that Michigan allows parents to choose what
school their children attend regardless of what district
they live in.
I'm proud that the Bessemer School board has been able to
responsibly manage their district.
Glen Pavlovich
The city of Ironwood has 6293 residents
and approximately 120 acres of parks(11 parks NOT including the new
Skate Board Park) in the City of Ironwood-the mowing is done by a
contractor. Note: Old Depot Museum does their own mowing and also
the figure does not include the Pocket Park either.
The City of Ironwood has $10 million in the budget where $2.5 is in
the general fund. Out of the general fund $100,000 is in the Parks
and Recreation Fund. Now deduct $50,000 in wages and benefits that
leaves $50,000 left in the fund. Deduct $5,000 for mowing and now
there is only $45,000 left for the maintenance of 12 parks.
Even if the Friends of the Miner’s Memorial Park Committee even
applies for a grant, the City of Ironwood can’t even hope to do any
matching funds. Grants are NOT for free.
I realize that the Miner’s Memorial Park is NOT going to be groomed
like Central Park in Manhattan which consists of 840 acres with $27
million dollars in the Conservancy’s budget, but how are the FMMP’s
going to take care of about 325 to 500+ acres at absolutely no cost
to the City?
Being a Range Master Gardener, I know
all about volunteering and working at the Pocket Park……it started
off with 20 people and as we have gotten older and have added more
responsibilities or illness to our lives, there are about 5-7 people
helping out.
The FMMP committee keeps saying you are going to have
volunteers………how many people will brush, dig and clean up after
everyone? Plus a lot of garbage has been dumped in those caved in
areas that must be hauled up and disposed-especially by the Xcel
Energy office…..
I have lived here all my life and thought that the mines slowly
“caved” in. The mining companies actually used dynamite on the
shafts to sink them. The “Caves” are our legacy. Look at what the
mining companies have left us with…when left with lemons, one must
make lemonade and do what we must, but the City does not have the
money. Our infrastructure has fallen apart and we cannot even keep
Are the “Caves” really safe? My brother, when he was a young boy,
actually went into some openings. Those openings would have to be
scouted out and secured. I seem to remember one was by the Xcel
Energy caves and by the old ski hill. There is a dangerous sinking
area by the Knights of Columbus building…
The Miner’s Memorial Park is a nice idea. I just don’t see why we
have to have to have more plaques, designations or mining equipment
displayed when there is a plaque, a drill and ore car at Hiawatha,
on Newport Hill there is a sign and at the Old Depot Museum a plaque
and mining machinery. Can’t one of those areas be expanded?
Especially the Old Depot Museum- the history of the area is housed
right there. There are restrooms on site.
Designate the Depot as the Community Center and Miner’s Memorial
Park and expand that. As for trails-I just don’t have the
answer-maybe a simple sign and map? But it must be for all the
people and not just a select few and at no expense to the City of
Ironwood. Any potential property that could be sold should not be
included into this park.
If the City Commissioners decide to make the area a park-and if the
park is not maintained, what does it take to UNpark the park? A vote
from the residents of Ironwood?-more money wasted.
Just the ramblings of a woman with common sense and who loves
Since taking office seven months ago Rick “Recall Me Too” Semo has
been at the forefront of controversy. So much so as to make a fool
of himself and to be an embarrassment to the taxpayers of Ironwood.
We now know that he is a self confessed vandal. He violated the City
Ordinances by destroying trees and wildlife in order to build a
private trail for his dog.
Just this past April, in his usual mean spirited attitude towards
taxpayers, Semo told a City Resident and Taxpayer that “A shop in a
garage is a luxury that defeats the purpose of the ordinance .” “I'm
sure you would love to have a shop” stated Semo as he denied a
request for a six foot set back variance to Michael and Janet Weigel.
The Weigels had requested the variance of six feet to the set back
requirements. The Weigel garage would be the same as that of other
garages in the neighborhood. The Weigels also had letters of support
from their neighbors.
Unlike the Weigels, Semo, never asked for permission to cut down
trees nor did he seek a wetlands permit. He felt that he was above
the law and took it upon himself to destroy public property. Semo
has now proven that he is a hypocrite as well as a vandal.
Once again Semo has shown little or no respect for City Taxpayers.
But, how could he show respect for others. Respect for others begins
with self-respect, something the arrogant Semo surely lacks.
Destroying City property is not like a downtown business owner
sweeping his sidewalk without city approval. Unlike almost all City
Homeowners, who pay for their sidewalks, the downtown business
owners had their sidewalks paid for by the rest of us. That is why
they’re obligated to keep their sidewalks clean and clear of snow.
Video shows a smug and arrogant Semo
denying a variance request.
What was She Thinking?
An IronwoodInfo Editorial
Monie's All Wet
IRONWOOD - Monie Shackleford spokesperson for the Miners
Memorial Park gang, recently wrote a letter to the Daily Globe,
in which she complains about the Globe coverage of City
Commissioner Rick Semo’s vandalism of the Caves area.
She stated that "the Daily Globe has blown this small issue out
of proportion and demonstrated its biases by making it the focus
of two large front page articles, in addition to two newspaper
Perhaps coverage could be better if the City Commission would
stop covering up the crime. It's not alleged as Semo confessed
to the vandalism.
City Manager Scott Erickson, Mayor Booby and Aunt Gememy,
have refused to turn the matter over to the police for
Furthermore Shackleford continues to spread lies about “illegal”
ATV and Snowmobile use of the Caves. She obviously spends too
much time reading misinformation written in local Bitch Blogs.
As previously reported in IronwoodInfo, there never was illegal
use by motorized sports. Anyone with the slightest knowledge of
the law would know that. However, the City Attorney explained
what the local talking heads should have been intelligent enough
to know. The City gave it’s implied consent for the use of the
Caves for motorized sports. Never did the City attempt to keep
recreational vehicles out of the Caves. Never. There were never
any signage, nor any ordinances created to keep the sportsmen
out of the area.
So Monie, Monie stop spreading misinformation! It’s bad enough
that honest people are being duped as to the motives behind the
phony Memorial Park Scheme. A scheme by outsiders who have no
idea what a mine or miner is all about, nor do they give a damn.
It’s all about stealing trails from the motorized sport people
by the left wing extremist invading our city from south of the
bridge and aided and abetted by Annette and Bob Burchell, Gemma Lamb
and Rick Semo.
What Was She Thinking?
An IronwoodInfo Editorial
At last week’s meeting of the Downtown Ironwood Development
Authority, Joe Karius suggested that an agenda was not relevant
to DIDA and should be removed from meeting’s discussion. His
decision was supported and passed. DIDA member Eva Furgason took
issue with Karius and stated she saw no harm in discussing the
issue. She and another member suggested that the downtown
blueprint program calls for co-operation between DIDA and the
City Commission and therefore they should discuss members
believed not to be in compliance with that issue. She and her
cohorts were simply trying to embarrass DIDA Chairman George
Goerig, plaintiff in the effort to recall two City
Commissioners. The recall has absolutely nothing to do with DIDA,
and Joe Karius hit the nail on the head with this one.
The blueprint plan does not say a thing about recalling
Commissioners that have acted improperly while in office, nor
does it say anything about recalling Commissioners that have
allegedly violated both state and city laws.
Does Ms. Furgason believe that a DIDA member be dismissed if
they reported seeing a City Commissioner rob a convenience
store? Does MS. Furgason believe that she and her cohorts should
be the authority in judging what constitutes cause for a recall?
Most importantly, the Michigan State Police are investigating
the allegations of wrong doing by Commissioners, Burchell and
Furgason’s effort to editorialize and publicize this situation
at a DIDA meeting amounts to interference in a police
investigation. Nothing less, nothing more, and no contrived
interview in local blogs will change that fact.
No matter what the Blue Print Plan calls for, it does not
replace our laws, nor should it be used to interfere with an
ongoing police investigation. The Blueprint Program is nothing
more than a self-serving program to enhance property values for
downtown property owners. It should never be used to replace
common sense.
In Our Opinion Lansing Banditos Issue Ultimatum
IRONWOOD - The Ironwood Memorial Building was the hub of
political activity yesterday, three meetings that stretched
far too long into the evening hours.
The day began
with the IEDC meeting called to deal with the State Attempt
to Steal Our Revolving Loan Fund money. The Commissioners
followed the same path that other EDC’s have taken.
Monday night the Parks and
Recreation Committee met to discuss among other things the location of
the Non-Motorized and Motorized trails through the Caves area.
For decades the Ironwood Caves have been used for the enjoyment of
Snowmobile and ATV enthusiasts. Today there’s an effort under way to
displace the motorized sportsman and replace them with hiking trails.
While the Gogebic Range Trail
Authority has bent over backward
The following
are the comments of Lou Bonagura,
Editor of IronwoodInfo.com, made
to the Ironwood City Council,
August 10, 2009. The comments
are relative to the current
efforts, of the hiker/biker
elements attempting to evict
snowmobiles and ATVs from
was unaware that the city of
ironwood was so prosperous that
it could chose between which
segments of the economy it
wanted to keep or eliminate. Nor
was I aware that Ironwood was so
perfect that it could chose or
dismiss any recreational
activity for it's citizens and
tourists alike.
First, I do not nor do I intend
to participate in motorized
sports. To the contrary, I ride
a non-motorized bike. I look
forward to using the existing
and new trails, alike.
However, I do not... repeat I do
not look forward to doing so at
the expense of other citizens
who wish to use the existing and
future trails for motorized
I have seen first hand that both
sports can successfully coexist,
when selfishness and self
serving motives are eliminated
from the equation.
I also know as a parent, that
one of the first things you
attempt to teach your children
is to "share"
Perhaps some of the individuals
involve in the current dispute
have forgotten what there
parents have taught them.
Additionally, If the
establishment of a Miners
Memorial Park were sincere, and
not just camouflage for
self-serving purposes, I believe
as do most citizens that I have
spoken to believe, that the Park
should be accessible to handicap
individuals as well as
non-handicapped individuals.
Perhaps the park should be made
accessible to all motorized
vehicles. I strongly suggest
legal research into that
particular element of the caves
park concept. There has been a
great deal of litigation
surrounding accessibility to
public lands.
I understand that the area in
question contains approximately
425 square acres. It is hard to
understand how New York's
Central park can satisfy the
needs of 23,000,000 people
annually and that our caves area
can't accommodate a pitiful
hundred or so residents.
Finally, while it may be
beneficial to talk about how
many visitors this or that will
bring to Ironwood, I believe
what is more import is what
Ironwood brings to its current
taxpayers and citizens.
Before you read the following I
would like to make one thing clear. For the length of my
entire career, I was never a member of a union, I was always
considered a part of management. Furthermore, no one in my
family was ever a member of a union. While I like to think of
myself as a Goldwater Republican, I would neither accept nor
condone the methods being used by the spineless city council
in its dealings with the city's union employees.
The city's tactics appear to be nothing less than Union
City of Ironwood municipal employees have been working for two
years without a contract, due to bad faith bargaining by city
officials. Each time the workers come close to a tentative
agreement with the city, the city's big guns throw another
obstacle in the way of finalization.
Ironwood, unlike any other local government does everything in
its power to beat up the local union workers. It's been over
one year since Ironwood residents picked up signs and walked
the informational picket lines in front of the Memorial
Building. Still the inept city council has failed to bring
this disgraceful situation to a conclusion.
Let's make one thing perfectly clear. We are not talking about
some union members in New York nor are we talking about Union
Workers in California, nor Detroit for that matter.
We are talking about people who work and live right here in
They are not the enemy they are one of us.
They send their kids to the same schools that we send our
children to.
They bring their children to the same churches we all attend.
They take their hard earned dollars to shop in the same stores
where we all shop.
They pay the same taxes that we all do.
They not only tolerate the same miserable weather that we do,
but go out in that miserable weather to take care of our
We were not laying in holes repairing the water leaks
resulting from years of neglect by the politicians, they were.
"They" are "us", and quite frankly I'm fed up with trashy
attitude that our city workers are receiving by inept
politicians. Union busting is not a good thing and it's
certainly not an honorable thing.
The City is paying the City Attorney $100. an hour to stall
off the union contract. The city continues to use the
unproductive adversarial Form of Negotiations." A method that
does nothing to solve union negotiations nor to increase the
self-respect of Ironwood . You can't show respect to others
when you have no self respect to begin with.
In the event that some of our readers are too young to
remember, prior to the formation of unions there was no middle
class. None! There were however abusive employers, both public
and private.
Almost everything that we enjoy today comes as a result of
unions fighting for employees which resulted in the creation
of our middle class. The pay check that you enjoy today is
only as large as it is because of our nation's unions. Let us
remember also that when union membership was at its pinnacle
so was American prosperity. Ironwood's greatest days also came
when the unions were at their highest level.
Ironwood's fiscal woes are not a result of union wages or
benefits. It is the result of city government that failed
miserably and then mis appropriated the workers pension money.
Let's not forget that the economic collapse of 2008 was not a
result of labor but more abuse by those who crush not only
unions but employees in general.
If our city government can pay an attorney $100,000 plus per
year and a city manager $100,000 per year and then piss away
thousands of dollars on unnecessary ads in the Daily Globe,
then it damn well can afford to pay its workers a living wage!
Last Monday Bob Murphy spoke to the city commission and the
following are his remarks:
Monday June 22, 2009
City of Ironwood Commission Meeting - Public Comment.
My name is Bob Murphy. I am a staff representative with
Michigan Council 25 AFSCME. I am here this afternoon on behalf
of Local 1538. My team and I have been negotiating with
representatives of the City since the spring of 2007. We
believe it is time the City of Ironwood settles the contract
with its City employees. I have made two separate offers to
City representative over the past several weeks, the first of
which after review received several language amendments which
I believe now mirrors the Public Safety Agreement that was
ratified by this commission several weeks ago.
Last week I asked your negotiating team if it was their intent
to submit and recommend that offer to you for ratification,
your chief negotiator Denies Cossi indicated that they would
not, and went on to state (and I paraphrase) that is was their
intent was to go through the entire contract and find all the
things they did not like and make a proposal.
I strongly encourage this Commission to reconsider this course
of action as it will leave me no other option than to file
unfair labor practice charges with the Michigan Employment
Relation Commission and any other legal action that may be
Please let me restate that Local 1538 did pre-ratified the
proposal that was submitted to the City Manager two weeks ago
and I believe mirrors the Agreement that was reached between
the Ironwood Public Safety and the City of Ironwood and
ratified by this Commission.
Thank you for your time.
Globe editor Joseph Karius once said of people
opposing his views, that they were loose with the facts
and dealt in innuendo. It is quite clear that either his reporters
or his editing is more than guilty of the same charges he renders
against those he considers to be threats to the Globes future.
This week the remaining readers of the Globe were able to see a
glaring example of what they refer to as playing loose with the
facts and dealt in innuendo. The point in hand was the
coverage of the township's board meeting, by Globe Cub Reporter
Margaret Levra. We hope that it was an oversight on the Globe's
reporting rather than an outright lie by omission.
Levra, chose to write about allegations made by the disruptive
township malcontents, Larry and Moe, whose ring leader, Curley
stayed home to avoid any more embarrassment than he's already caused
to himself and the others.
Yes, Monday was a complete disaster to Curley and his merry men.
Gathered in the township hall was a large group of township
voters who came to support the board of trustees against the false
allegations being thrust about by Curly, Larry and Moe. The
globe reporter chose to omit this information from her biased
report. She further omitted the fact that Trustee Kathy Maki, spoke
to the attendees in defense of the trio's false allegations against
Township Supervisor Kim Mattson. The points brought out in Maki's
comments clearly exonerates Mattson from the false statements made
against Mattson by the sore losing cry baby who bullies the
women on the township board every chance he gets. He and the stooges
he's duped into assisting him retreat every time a male member of
the board challenges them. Hmmmm! Levra included in her story
reference to an email sent by a township employee to the cry baby
Jim Simmons. The email probably should not have been sent via the
township's computer, however, the content was nothing more than the
sentiments of the overwhelming number of Township voters. The same
voters that sent Simmons and his cronies running during the last
election. The contents of the email were very mild compared to what
should have been said to these Imo Limos. Unfortunately, Rachael
isn't used to handling men who bully others.
The Globe reporter not only omitted Kathy Maki's remarks, she
also omitted the remarks of Township resident, Donald Treglon, who
stated to the board, that he was very pleased with the job
that Kim Mattson and the board were doing. He went on to say "that
he wished the other ones (3 stooges) would leave the board alone so
they would not be disrupted in their work.
It's bad enough that the meetings have become disrupted by
folly but, it's made even worse by the role being played by the
Globe in this fiasco. Unlike everyone else, the Globe allows Simmons
free access to the letter to the editor column. The rules that apply
to everyone else go right out the window with respects to the
township sore loser.
In fact, we find to be a strange coincidence that Globe which
abandoned news coverage of the township more than three years ago,
would chose this time to return.
Loose with the facts and dealing in innuendo is one thing,
as is sloppy editing. But, a lie by omission is quite something else
altogether. It leaves one wondering.