Bessemer Mail
Carriers Being Transferred |
Ironwood -August 26, 2009
Facing declining mail volume and decreasing
revenues, the US Postal Service is making some cost
cutting moves, by combining sorting and delivery in
neighboring post offices..
The merger of sorting and delivery services has
already been done in fifty -three offices in
Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsular. The average
savings are $46,000 according to Postal Services
representative, Marge Oehlke.
The cost costing measures will now be implemented in
the Western U.P. on or about September 26th,
The six Post Offices effected are: Hancock carriers
to be transferred to Houghton, Negaunee postal
carriers will be transferred to Ishpeming. .Locally,
the Bessemer carriers will work out Ironwood postal
Mail services at the six location will remain
unchanged. The changes will be transparent to postal
The mergers mean that less postal clerks, who do the
sorting will be needed in the effected offices. The
postal service has had a hiring freeze in effect for
two years. According to Oehlke Postal clerks
in Bessemer, Hancock and Negaunee will be used to
fill the vacant positions elsewhere as needed. |
Township to Cut Off Water To Park
Township board
of trustees sent notice to park owners |
Ironwood - August 26, 2009 At Mondays Township
Board meeting , the board approved shutting off the
water to the Lake Road mobile home park.
The original owners of the park Hartha and Leonard
Hughes sold the park to Edmund Palmeri, who subsequently sold the property to Jay Stewart.
Neither Palmeri nor Stewart have responded to the Township's
An agreement had been reached where the park
manager would collect the utility payment from the
tenants and pay the township directly.
Since then there have been two more water leaks at
the park and the bill has risen enough to cause
concern by the trustees. The water charges for five
months amounted to $13,990.54. The normal usage
for the park is $1000 per month. Earlier this year
Kathy Richards Management was appointed by the court
to collect rents and pay bills.
The county is also looking for payment on the past
due taxes.
Mr. and Mrs. Hughes have begun foreclosure
proceedings against Palmeri.
Wakefield Revises
Cell Phone Policy |
Wakefield Marenisco School District Revises
Cell Phone Policy For Students Wakefield - August 26,
The Wakefield-Marenisco School Board meet in regular
session Tuesday evening. The meeting was delayed eight
days to accommodate the administration.
The board quickly dispensed with routine items such as
approval of prior meeting minutes consent agenda and the
like. The district moved through many items with
deliberate dispatch,
Matt Spets, the new W/M principal, introduced changes he
recommended in the student handbooks. Matthew suggested
that the changes in policy were minor and just dealt
with the reality of today's lifestyles. The changes
mostly center around Cell Phone use within the school
building during school hours.
In the elementary school, students will turn in their
cell phones to the teacher upon entering the classroom.
Students will be permitted 5 minutes of cell phone use
per day to call home.
Students in Grades 7 through 12 must keep their cell
phones secured within their lockers. This will
necessitate the locking of every locker. The students
will be permitted to use their phones on their free
time. That is, between the bells and at lunch. |
Mr. Spets has made one change regarding
lunch and it is the closing of the open campus rule.
Students, other than 12th grade students, will no longer
be permitted to leave the campus during lunch period.
Twelfth graders who receive but one suspension will lose
their open campus privilege.
The board approved all of Mr. Spets requests.
The board discussed the need for roof repairs. Five
areas of the school have been identified as needing
repair. The cost to repair all five areas is
approximately $150,000. The school has a fund for the
building repairs that has approximately $30,000
remaining from the past school year. The expected new
revenues for the building for the 2009/2010 year is
$110,000, which brings the fund close to the amount
needed to deal with the roof.
the board approved prioritizing . the five sections and
seek bids on the repairs. When the actual expense is
known the board wil decide on how many and which roof
areas will be repaired.
The Wakefield Board followed up on the Bessemer Boards
decision to hire one additional coach for the Junior
High Football Teams. Bessemer passed the motion at their
Monday night Board Meeting contingent of W/M following
There have 35 students signed up for the Jr. High Team,
as many as 50 may ultimately join the program. |
Bessemer -
Schools of Choice |
Bessemer = August 26, 2009 The Bessemer School Board
met Monday evening for its regularly scheduled monthly
The Board approved the continued employment of Jennifer
Wroblewski as the ISS Supervisor at A.D. Johnson. The
board also approved the continued employment of Tammy Kann
as the School Success Coordinator at A.D. Johnson.
After the board approved changes to the NEOLA Policies
manual, the board discussed the possibility of hiring two
additional coaches for the Jr. High Footbal Team. The
expected number of students entering the program is
between 35 and 50.
After much discussion, the board approved the hiring of
one additional coach, contingent on similar approval by
the Wakefield-Marenisco School Board.
The board also discussed the continuation of busing eight
students from Lake Gogebic area. It was decided that it
would be too late to terminate the busing at this time.
The board will re-visit the issue next May. If it is then
felt that the busing should be terminated the district
will be able to give parents adequate notice.
Mr. Goss descussed the change over of the district to a
Title One School. The change required a new plan be
submitted to Lansing. Gene along with two teachers went to
Lansing to learn what was needed for the school district
to receive the increased aid for the program. He and the
teachers have been working on repairing a plan to be
submitted for approval. The district will not know until
October if the plan has been approved.
Mr Goss also commended the janitorial staff for their hard
work this summer. There were eight changes in classroom
assignments, necessitating moving everything from room to
Mark Johnson gave a report to the board which included
information on the effects of the "School of Choice"
program. Mark indicated that Bessemer has been very
successful in attracting students from other school
districts. In the past two years the district has
attracted approximately 25 additional students from
outside the district. The B.A.S.D. has lost only one
student to another district under the plan.
August Regular Meeting of the
Gogebic Community College Board of Trustees |
For Immediate Release
August 26, 2009
At last night’s meeting of the Gogebic Community College Board
of Trustees, adjunct faculty for a number of on and off campus
courses were approved for the upcoming academic year.
Also, bids for the foundation and masonry materials related to
this year’s Building Trades/Construction Technology program
were awarded. The college will construct a speculation home on
college-owned property located south of Slade Road in Ironwood
Township. The site is northeast of Mt. Zion and in close
proximity to campus. The bid items approved by the Board for
the foundation and slab work were from Ironwood Ready Mix,
Forslund Building Supply, Inc, and Globe Concrete and Supply.
Also, bids for heating and plumbing installation and materials
from M & M Plumbing & Heating, electrical installation and
materials from Lindquist Electric, and general building
construction materials from Steiger’s Home Center were
In other action, Allied Health Instructor Kit Malloy has given
her notice of her intent to retire at the end of the 2009-10
academic year. She has been employed by the college for 30
years, beginning in the fall of 1979, and has consistently
created an inspiring and effective learning environment. She
has been involved in numerous college events and activities
through the years and always volunteers her time for committee
work. Her commitment to students is legendary. The Board
approved her retirement with regret and expressed its
appreciation for her 30 years of service.
Contact: Jeanne Graham Director of Admissions and Public
932-4231, Ext. 306 |
Steve Evicted from Memorial
Building... Who's Next? |
Ironwood - August 25, 2009
At last evenings meeting of the Ironwood City Council, citizen, Steve
Frank was asked to leave the chamber. When he failed to do so, Ironwood
Public Safety Officers were called to the scene. As you might imagine this
was a bit of overkill. Also it is one of two recent incidents where
this has happened. More on that subject to come.
Steve was attempting to read a statement to the city council. However, his
epistle was well over the five minute limit set by council rules.
Read More... |
"Tells it as it is!" |
Ironwood - August 25, 2009 Suzanne Toth issued a response
to her critics on the "caves" issue. Her statement was published
in the Saturday August 22, 2009 edition of the Daily Globe .
Suzanne has come under fire by the rogue elements of the
hiker/biker group who want to evict motorized sports from the
caves area. We at IronwoodInfo support the notion of sharing in
the caves area. A view also shared by Rod Smith in his letter to
the editor, Monday, August 24, 2009. It is the same view shared
by most city taxpayers and voters.
Councilwomen Toth has sent us a copy of her statement, so that
we too could publish it.
The statement is straight forward and not intended to deceive
anyone. Her letter is a "Tell It As It Is" document.
Many of the things she states in were verified by the
City's Community Development Director at the last Planning and
Zoning meeting.
Click to Read the Councilwomen's letter to
the Editor. |